Molienda y Granulacion as a producer of pellets and chopped straw located in Castilla y León, which in recent years has become the ideal place for cattle to develop and live in the best possible natural environment, away from noise pollution, light and pollution. Thanks to its large area (94,200 km2) and the more than 24,000 dehesas distributed throughout the territory, Castilla y León is the region with the highest census of beef cattle.
In Spain, 641,000 tons of beef are produced per year. Castilla y León is the second Autonomous Community where it is produced the most, with 109,000 tons per year. And it is not only a leader in production. There are more than 6 million heads of cattle in Spain, of which 1.3 belong to Castilla y León. This number has been increasing in recent years due to growth prospects and the investment spirit of companies. According to Javier López, director of PROVACUNO, “we currently have 24,216 livestock farms and Castilla y León is the region with the highest census of cattle. The sector is strong and we have the necessary resources to guarantee the welfare of the animals and the excellence of the final product”.
At a regional level, the largest number of farms are located mainly in the provinces of Salamanca and Ávila, followed by Segovia, León and Valladolid. “Beef from Castilla y León is of excellent quality because we have ideal means of production, such as pastures where there is no type of contamination that could harm the proper development of cattle. This, together with the quality of the feed that comes from the region itself and the pastures, are elements that make it possible to raise strong and healthy calves”, explains Agustín de Prada, manager of ASOPROVAC Castilla y León.
Of the cattle census, 1.2 million are exclusively for meat, including suckler cows, fattening cattle, etc. And thanks to consumer confidence in its high quality, Castilla y León is also one of the Autonomous Communities where the most beef is consumed. “Although generalized consumption has decreased, we believe in a healthy coexistence. A diet must be varied and in the proportions indicated by specialists, which includes us all”, says Agustín de Prada. And as Javier López, director of PROVACUNO, points out: “Beef, both from Castilla y León and from the rest of Spain, is produced following the European production model, the most demanding in the world in terms of quality, health and welfare controls. animal in which a quality chopped straw is very important for which Grinding and Granulation works to provide the best service to farmers. That is also our best guarantee.”
To guarantee that Castilla y León complies with the demanding European production model, rigorous controls are carried out in all production phases, from the manufacture of the feed to the ready-to-eat meat. These measures are part of the sector's effort to guarantee consumer safety at all levels.